Is it Wednesday already?

Is it Wednesday already? People ask how I stay so healthy these days. It’s a combo of what I eat and how I live. And with so much malaise lurking around, it’s time to pay it forward. So, this is for you. I hope you read it once in a while, and take away something helpful. <3
The first thing I did today, was wake up about fifteen minutes early and think about what I was planning to accomplish during the day. Did you know it’s nearly impossible to finish more than five important things in one day? Don’t even try more than five, unless you want to be totally stressed out.
Outside my window is a bird bath and a bird feeder in the bottle-brush tree. So, when I get up, I open the curtains and the window and listen to the finches and cardinals have breakfast, chirping away. There are also chimes hung out there, given to me by my sister-in-law, Karen. It’s a lovely way to start a beautiful Florida morning.
Is it Wednesday already? DAILY LIFESTYLE BLOG (after seven day reset)
A couple of times a week, I feel like a smoothie. It takes some thought to leave out all the fat that creeps into a yummy smoothie treat. Here’s my secret.
All this is organic BTW,
1 banana
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 tsp USA bee pollen from iHeartBees Honey
3/4 cup unfiltered apple juice
Put all in the food processor and let it go for about a minute.
It’s a great way to start the day and this will hold you until a little mid-morning snack.
For lunch, we are going to make split pea soup. I’ll try to post pics and my recipe…later.